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IEventSource Interface



Package: MessageHandler.EventSourcing
Assembly: MessageHandler.EventSourcing
Namespace: MessageHandler.EventSourcing

Interface implemented by event sources


Method Description
Load(string, Nullable) Load sourced events from a given stream, starting at a given timestamp
LoadRaw(string, Nullable) Load raw events from a given stream, starting at a given timestamp
Load(string, string, Nullable) Load sourced events from a given stream, paritioned by tenant, starting at a given timestamp
LoadRaw(string, string, Nullable) Load raw events from a given stream, paritioned by tenant, starting at a given timestamp
Load(string, string, int) Load sourced events from a given stream, for a specific aggregate and version.
LoadRaw(string, string, int) Load raw events from a given stream, for a specific aggregate and version.
Persist(string, string, IEnumerable) Persist the pending events for a specific aggregate to a stream
GetCheckpointStore() Gets the outbox checkpointstore associated to the event source

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